The Town of North Hempstead (TONH) recently approved its capital plan for 2020-24, which includes $55.39 million in capital improvements in the General Fund. The plan includes a number of projects within the Cow Neck Peninsula including wetland restoration along the Hempstead Harbor Shoreline Trail, a project to study the feasibility of a water management system, which would use storm water collected at both the Solid Waste Management Authority landfills and at the Harbor Links Golf Course in Port Washington and the Leeds Pond Culvert rehabilitation project.
The town will fund the 2020 portion of the General Fund’s capital improvements with $9.5 million dollars in bond authorizations after accounting for grants and existing funding. The Capital Plan also includes $7.6 million in grants, $33.5 million for various town projects awarded by FEMA, $4.2 million for road repaving for residential and industrial roads, $400,000 for road drainage, $1 million for sidewalk improvements and an additional $1 million for concrete road work throughout the TONH.
One of the core projects included is the wetland restoration along the Hempstead Harbor Shoreline Trail. According to the Capital Plan documents, the project will restore the wetlands starting from the trail head of the Hempstead Harbor Shoreline Trail and will head south. The project is currently in the RFP stage and will cost nearly $100,000 per year until the project is completed. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) awarded the town $400,000 to assist in the funding of this project.
“This year’s five year capital plan continues to focus on a wide variety of infrastructure projects for the town,” Supervisor Judi Bosworth said in a press release. “As any homeowner knows, most maintenance projects are not glamorous, but they are very necessary and that is what we try to address with our five-year capital plan. It is our goal to keep the town structurally sound and safe and to maintain a great quality of life into the future.”
The General Fund also includes improvements to the Harbor Links Golf Course. According to the Capital Plan documents, the golf course will procure a number of pieces of equipment in 2020 including two buffalo blowers, four Triflex Tee Mowers, two reel sets for tees and tracks for a mini excavator. Also included in 2020 expenditures, are interior improvements, tent improvements, IT/AV equipment and funding for asphaltic cart path replacements. 2021 projects include the replacement of the irrigation system at both the championship and executive courses. Along with those improvements, Cameron Engineering & Associates LLP will be conducting a feasibility study. This project will develop a water management system that would use storm water collected at both the Solid Waste Management Authority landfills and at the Harbor Links Golf Course to help address water conservation concerns. The project will include but not be limited to the lining of the retention basins and installation of aeration systems for the ponds. The action following this study is to apply for grant funding, if the project is feasible, from the Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) Grant Program.
Ongoing projects cited in the General Fund also includes the rehabilitation of the Leeds Pond Culvert. According to the TONH, the Leeds Pond Culvert rehabilitation project will develop a new overflow culvert, which will be constructed north of the culvert at the location where there is an existing outflow to the bay, requiring a spillway entrance to maintain the pond elevation and a shallow coffer dam until construction across the road is completed.
Along with improvements to areas in the TONH, the Capital Plan will also be funding a number of projects for the town hall, including upgrades to HVAC system, as well as improvements to make the building more Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant.
There is also a plan to implement a project which will digitize all of the building department’s records. This includes property records, historical documents, deeds, drawings, certificates of occupancy and more.
“This project will safeguard records in the event of flood or fire and will make them available to be viewed online,” town officials said. For more information about the Capital Plan or to view a full list of projects visit,
—Additional information provided by the Town of North Hempstead