
Ribbon Cutting For New School Store

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Members of the Hicksville Middle School Student Council are pictured with Principal Mara Jorisch (far left) and Student Council Advisor Janice Fitzgerald (back, second from left) in the new school store, “Heartly’s Hub,” at the ribbon cutting. “Heartly,” the school mascot, attended to add school spirit to the event.
(Photo courtesy of the Hicksville School District)

More than a year in the making, Hicksville Middle School recently opened its new school store with a festive ribbon cutting.
“This is a great addition to our school; it’s going to raise school spirit,” explained Student Council President Jack Beaudette.
Vice President Matthew Kilfeather-Bonello agreed: “It opens up a lot of opportunities for students to get supplies. The store promotes school spirit and helps students to be happy to attend our school.”
The store will be run completely by Student Council volunteers and will be open at lunch time three days a week and will be self-funded through sales of items students need and want. The students will be using their Chromebooks to compute the sales, so math skills are involved.

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Student Council President and eighth grader Jack Beaudette officially cut the blue ribbon to open Hicksville Middle School’s new school store.
(Photo courtesy of the Hicksville School District)

“We’ve created our own identity as a school,” shared Principal Mara Jorisch. “Our school colors are blue and white; our school motto is ‘Heart + Motivation = Success’; and we even have our own mascot ‘Heartly.’ Our school store is another important initiative in the process of empowering our students. To begin, the school store will carry basic school supplies, lanyards, seasonal items and tee shirts sporting our student-designed school logo. We can be responsive to student requests over the course of the year, adding new items students may want to be able to purchase in school.”

Congratulations to the student council and middle school staff, including carpenters who created the store shelving, for all their help in launching “Heartly’s Hub.”

—Submitted by the Hicksville School District