
Ken Cares In Retrospect

After proudly serving as a Trustee of the Village of Manorhaven, my hometown, for the past 3.5 years, I am finishing up my second and final term as your trustee. I have given well over 100 percent of my effort, time and energy to improve the quality of life and conditions of our small waterfront village. I have totally enjoyed and responded, to the best of my ability, to the numerous challenges that our village and its residents have faced during my tenure. I am very fortunate that my past police, military and fire department experiences during the past 55 years have provided me with a well-rounded background while acting as your trustee.

I appreciated the support of our Mayor who ardently backed me on all of my following proposals/recommendations: Total reorganization of snow emergency parking regulations, possible coverage of Village by Port Washington Police, meeting with Nassau County Police Department Commissioner of Police resulting in improved coverage and activity of police officers in Car 604, installation of additional stop signs to increase safety for residents as well as reduce speeding on our local streets, improved activity by our Code Enforcement personnel pertaining to varied code violations and illegal occupancy, established actual laws pertaining to garbage/refuse regulations, safety regulations pertaining to car repairs on private property, future construction of new 1650’ limestone walkway thru our preserve (grant proposal submitted in fall of 2019), enforcement by Nassau County Police personnel in Preserve to minimize drug/alcohol activity at various locations, rewrote the “Trailer” law to prohibit future extended use by businesses of temporary trailers without proper permit from the Building Department, rewrote the “Noise” ordinance to incorporate restrictions during times and days of the week, numerous cleanups by Nassau County Parks and Highway Department personnel along Park Lane opposite Manorhaven Park whereby large portions of the roadway had been covered by growth for years, safety check by NYSDEC personnel of chemical fluids emanating from rear of 134 Shore Rd. onto Preserve walkway, which have been addressed by the owner of the business, Parking Permit Program (tabled by Board at 2018 Open Meeting but may still be a solution to our existing parking conditions in Village), served on Waterfront Committee for 18 months to protect our valuable waterfront and supported maintaining the C-1 Zoned District as is, attempted to reinstitute the “Neighborhood Security Watch Program” whereby residents could watch out for their neighbors in keeping our village safe

Unfortunately, our excellent working relationship was disrupted in recent months as the mayor and my fellow Trustees disagreed with my efforts to ensure the safety and health of future residents who would eventually be residing in apartments at the new mixed-use site at 22 Sagamore Hill Dr. This property was issued seven variances by our Board of Zoning Appeals on the original site of Ikenson Iron Works (B.Z.A.#582, dated Feb. 19, 2019) and the trustees voted to take the responsibility for overseeing this project away from the board of trustees. Groundwater samplings taken in 2011 and 2019 in five wells at this site revealed the presence of tetrachloroethene, a volatile organic compound, that exceeded the groundwater standards established by the New York State Department of Environmental Conversation. This project is probably the most controversial one in the history of our village other than the cell tower with its “50-year lease” that still has an aroma to it from past village administrations and rightfully should have been presented to our board of trustees rather than the planning board.

Although my family and I suffered a tragic loss four years ago, I was somehow able to turn that loss into a gain by focusing all my energy in an attempt to improve the living conditions in our village. My original idea of serving one term in office quickly turned into two terms, as the mayor and I worked hand in hand for three years on all of the important issues facing our village at the time. I am especially grateful and proud of the efforts of the members of Buildings and Code Enforcement, Highway Department and our office staff for their untiring dedication to our village. I totally enjoyed being your trustee, but I am at a point in my life where it is time to enjoy the winters in Florida, a much warmer climate, and it is time for some other residents in our community to step up, get involved, and do the right thing for Manorhaven—“Port’s Downtown Waterfront Community.” I can proudly state that the Village of Manorhaven has been and still is one of the safest villages in Nassau County to live in. Please take a moment to check out my original website: kencaresmanorhaven.com.

—Ken Kraft