Funds to address underage drinking and substance use
While we live in beautiful communities, we are also surrounded by countless young people, adults and families whose lives have been forever changed by the devastating impact of substance use and addiction. In recognition of this impact, the Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) has awarded $300,000 to YES Community Counseling Center to prevent underage drinking and substance use in the communities of Levittown, Island Trees, Farmingdale, Massapequa and Massapequa Park for the next five years.
The Partnership for Success Grant is intended to prevent the onset and reduce the progression of substance abuse and its related problems while strengthening prevention capacity and infrastructure at the community level. The project will address one of the nation’s top substance abuse priorities; underage drinking for persons aged nine to 20. This initiative, PACT (Partnering in Action and Change for Tomorrow), will join these five school districts along with the three coalitions serving these communities (Massapequa Takes Action Coalition, Levittown Community Action Coalition and Farmingdale Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team) the Chambers of Commerce and other key stakeholders that represent the community.
“This is an extraordinary opportunity to devote additional resources and trainings to strengthen our schools and coalitions who work with our most vulnerable children and families,” Jamie Bogenshutz, executive director of YES Community Counseling Center, said. “This prestigious award, which was the only one of its kind awarded in our county, will help us address and prevent further tragedies and strengthen our families and communities through evidence based and targeted approaches.”
—Submitted by the YES Community Counseling Center