Anton Media Group, the publishers of 17 newspapers on Long Island, is putting together a cover contest open to local artists. The winner of this cover contest will have their art featured on the cover of our special section called Springtime! that’ll appear in the middle of April, 2020. This supplement will be inserted in all 17 Anton newspapers and will be viewed by our 200,000-plus readership. The winner of the cover contest will also be featured in an adjoining article about the contest.
Below are some specifics of the cover contest:
- Theme: Outdoor Spring or Still Life
- Size: 9″ x 11.5″ (we can trim)
- Medium: 2-dimensional (no photography)
- Submission: digital 300 dpi jpeg of original art or scan of original art
- Deadline: March 30, 2020
Cover contest winner will be selected based on creativity, subject matter and best interpretation of theme.
This cover contest is a great opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing a career in art and building their portfolio.
To submit your art or if you have any questions, email contest@antonmediagroup.com
(no phone calls please).