
Nassau County Executive Updates Public On Coronavirus

This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 (yellow)—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19—isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells (blue/pink) cultured in the lab. (Image by NIAID Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML), U.S. NIH via Wikimedia)
SARS CoV 2 49531042877
This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 (yellow)—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19—isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells (blue/pink) cultured in the lab. (Image by NIAID Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML), U.S. NIH via Wikimedia)

Nassau County has received confirmation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the one Nassau County resident who was being tested for the Coronavirus has tested negative. To date, Nassau County has tested six individuals for the virus and all six have tested negative. Nassau County continues to be in close procedural coordination with state and federal partners in order to ensure the health and safety of all residents.

The Nassau County Health Department employees and residents being monitored have been outstanding in meeting all CDC protocols.

The county will follow State and Federal guidelines in monitoring travelers that fall under the federal travel order. Currently, Commissioner Dr. Eisenstein and the Department of Health are asking people to remain calm and attentive and to practice general sanitary precautions. CDC guidelines emphasize washing hands with soap and water, using hand sanitizer, covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when sneezing or coughing and avoiding contact with others when sick.  

Information is rapidly changing regarding this virus. The CDC is a reliable source for information on COVID-19, and it continues to update its website as new information becomes available. If residents need more information, they should visit the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.

If residents have any further questions, they should call the NYS Coronavirus hotline at 888-364-3065. 

—Submitted by Nassau County Executive Laura Curran