
Fire Island Thriller Last Ferry Hits Netflix Wednesday

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Last Ferry, a murder mystery set on Fire Island, arrives on Netflix on Wednesday.

The film, directed by Brooklyn-based filmmaker Jaki Bradley and filmed on site in Fire Island Pines in April and May of 2018, follows a lawyer from Manhattan who travels to the LGBT resort community seeking companionship but finding trouble instead.

“Joseph does meet a cute boy but only to realize he is a mugger who has drugged him to steal his belongings,” according to the movie notes. “During his impaired state, he witnesses a murder and narrowly escapes the grasp of the murderer. He awakes in The Pines, under the care of Cameron and his friends. As Joseph integrates into the group and begins to fall for Cameron, he forgets about what he witnessed when he was drugged only for the murderer to reemerge right under his nose.”

The indie thriller written by Ramon O. Torres stars Myles Clohessy, Gabriel Sloyer, and Sheilagh Weymouth.

Watch the trailer below.