
Jericho Public Library To Host Virtual Events This Month

TeenSpace 010518B
Workers moving shelving at the Jericho Public Library during the roughly month-long renovation of the library’s Teen Scene section

The Jericho Public Library will be closed until further notice, following New York State guidelines regarding COVID-19.

As a result, the April Board Meeting will be held on April 14 at 7:00 p.m. via teleconference. The Jericho community is welcome to attend the video Zoom meeting via https://zoom.us/j/605331646?pwd=RWpkc3k2TUZja0kzTmwzK0I0MDM2UT09
and the password is 025171 .

On April 2 at 4 p.m., there will be a preschool storytime taking place with Ms. Barbara over Zoom as well.

A biography storytime will take place on April 3 at 4 p.m., in which kids are welcome to join.

For adults, the library will have Zoom lectures on April 17 and April 20 at 2 p.m. for both.

The first lecture will be led by Marc Courtade, who will talk about singer and actress, Jane Powell.

Meanwhile, the second lecture will be led by Dr. William Thierfelder, who will talk about the life of fossil hunter, Mary Anning.

To join these events on Zoom, go to www.jericholibrary.org, click on the “Event Calendar” tab and go to that date for instructions and the meeting link.

Jericho Public Library updates can also be seen on the website and on social media.

On Demand Cooking Classes with Chef Rob Scott:
Join us every Friday in April for mini cooking classes on:
April 3: Spring M & M Cookies
April 10: Spaghetti Muffins
April 17: Chocolate Snickerdoodle Banana Bread
April 24: Snickerdoodle Blondies
To access these classes, go to www.jericholibrary.org/departments/teens. Scroll down and locate “On Demand Teen Video”. Each video link will be located next to the program description on the date & time scheduled.