
Remembering Teresita Vafeas

Commissioner Kenneth Jackson regretfully announces the passing of Teresita (Terry) Vafeas on June 6. Vafeas was a former longtime Garden City resident who was a volunteer member of the Special Police for 20 years, having joined the department in 1999.

Vafeas attained the rank of sergeant with the Garden City Special Police and also served as their secretary. She was devoted to providing service to the residents of the village and spent many hours on traffic details for holidays and special events, and patrolling fairs.

“She was a fixture every year at the Garden City Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Day, as well as the Belmont Fair, Homecoming Fair and Memorial Day Fair,” Jackson said. “Terry was a cherished member of the department and we are praying for her family and loved ones during these difficult times.”

SPO Captain David Carpentier added, “Terry was a beloved member of the Special Police. She enjoyed conducting traffic details, most especially at St. Anne’s Sunday Mass where she made many friends.”