
Back To School Special-Hicksville Public Schools

Hicksville High School students, parents, and alums may see some familiar scenes featured on News 12 on Sept. 2 and 3 during anchor Elizabeth Hashagen’s special report about the reopening of schools. Hashagen spent the morning at Hicksville High School filming lead-ins, background shots and interviewing Superintendent of Schools Marianne Litzman.

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During filming, Hashagen reviewed important reminders for students to keep safe when back at school including frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer.
(Photo courtesy of Hicksville School District)

During her on-camera interview, Litzman explained how much the district is looking forward to welcoming our students on Opening Day, and about the many safety measures and protocols that have been put into place.

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Many thanks to News 12 Anchor Elizabeth Hashagen (center), who visited Hicksville High School to videotape a school reopening special. She was joined by Superintendent of Schools Marianne Litzman (far left) and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Anthony Lubrano. (far right)(Photo courtesy of Hicksville School District)

“We have worked diligently to prepare for our reopening,” the superintendent said. She also spoke about the important work accomplished by the district’s reopening task force and the many community forums that have been held over the summer months to facilitate communications with our school community.

Tune in on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 2 and 3.

-Submitted by Hicksville Public Schools