After Governor Andrew Cuomo cancelled local elections in March due to concerns following the coronavirus pandemic; residents took to the polls on Sept. 15 to vote in their local elections. Here are the results for elections in the villages of Port Washington.
In the Village of Manorhaven Mayor Jim Avena of the Manorhaven Residents Party won reelection 421 to 384 over Vincent Costa of the Manorhaven Liberty Party.
Trustee Priscilla Von Roeschlaub of the Manorhaven Residents Party won with 397 votes, trustee Harry Farina of the Manorhaven Liberty Party was also elected and received 395 votes.
“I greatly appreciate the residents of Manorhaven for their support over the past four years and for voting to re-elect me in the village election,” Avena said in a statement. “Trustees DiLucia, Popeleski, von Roeschlaub and I welcome newly elected trustee Harry Farina. We look forward to working together as a unified board to continue to improve quality of life, financial health, protect our waterfront and enhance the natural beauty we are so lucky to enjoy in our lovely village on Manhasset Bay. We have many great plans to continue to do the great work we started four years ago and look forward to sharing details about them with residents as the projects begin.”
On the zoning board of appeals, Joseph Zimbardi who was running for trustee Ken Kraft’s seat won against Manorhaven Libarty Walter Peters by a vote of 375 to 368.
In the Village of Sands Point incumbent trustee Peter Forman ran unopposed and received 139 votes, winning another two-year term. Incumbent trustee Jeffrey Moslow also ran unopposed and received 137 votes for a one-year term. Rita Sethi from the Sands Point Planning Board also ran unopposed, winning her first two-year term as trustee. Sethi received 132 votes, and will take trustee Lynn Najman place on the board.
In the Village of Baxter Estates trustee Alice Peckelis ran unopposed and won re-election with 29 votes. Village trustee-elect Brian Reardon won his first election with 22 votes. Both are serving a two-year term. Incumbent Village Justice Elizabeth Kase, received 51 votes and won re-election for a four-year term. Although, trustee Douglas Baldwin’s name appeared on the ballot, he withdrew from the race in July due to traveling restrictions amid the pandemic. Baldwin encouraged voters to write-in a candidate yet still received 20 votes. Reardon will take his seat on the board for the next two years.
In the Village of Port Washington North, trustee Steven Cohen and Michael Malatino both ran unopposed. Michael Malatino received 33 votes and Steven Cohen received 29 votes were cast, each are serving a two-year term.