
Regarding the Swastikas found At The PAL

Port Washington Police Chief Robert DelMuro’s recent refusal to classify the painting of swastikas at the PAL field as a hate crime discredits the entire Port Washington Police District (PWPD), its commissioners and the chief himself.

Despite his quick reversal and apology under intense pressure from local politicians, his initial action was inexplicable and inexcusable. PWPD commissioners Thomas Rice, Angela Lawlor Mullins and Frank Scobbo should not only punish his display of poor judgment, they should also require him to attend training so he understands the very nature of his job and the definition of what hate, hate crimes and racism truly are.

Hard to believe that someone raised in Port Washington and educated at our schools would have such an inadequate understanding of the significance of one of history’s most vicious symbols of hate, particularly in this day and age.

It is embarrassing that Port Washington is protected by someone so clearly ill suited for the job. Maybe 39 years as a PWPD employee is enough.

—Chris Ward