Infrastructure improvements are underway in the Village of Farmingdale. Work has started on new curbs, handicap ramps and crosswalks in the access driveways leading to parking lots 3 and 4 and will be installed on Main Street from Prospect Street to South Front Street. The project is being done in phases from Prospect Street North on the east side of Main Street to South Front Street, then south from South Front Street to Prospect Street on the West Side, and will be done in sections.
(Photo courtesy of Marketing Masters NY)
Parking and traffic lane patterns are altered during the construction so please exercise caution. This project will be followed by complete repaving of Main Street from Grant Street to South Front Street. The two projects are funded by agreements between the county and village and they will be paid for by Nassau County, without any expense to village taxpayers. Both projects are estimated to be completed in early to mid-November.
According to Jason Schultz of Farmingdale’s Architect Firm; Savik and Murray, “We are doing mainly curb and handicap ramp improvements. We are also doing brick repair and tripping hazard repair as we work, whatever we find that needs to be addressed. The project should take a couple more weeks depending on the weather.”