
Hicksville High School Musicians Earn Top State Honors

Several Hicksville High School students received awards for participating in the New York State Field Band Conference Individual and Ensemble Competition. Congratulations to Samantha Mason, who placed fourth in the Individual Advanced Flute Performances, and to Nisarg Shah, who placed fourth in the Individual Advanced Saxophone Performances.

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Samantha Mason and Brandon Baade performed Billy Joel’s “New York State of Mind” in the New York State Field Band’s Virtual Ensemble.
(Photo courtesy of the Hicksville School District)

Hicksville color guard students designed their own performance, which won them first place in the Advanced Visual Ensemble category. Congratulations to Alejandro Gonzalez, Kevin Sandoval, Sarah Chavez, Arianna Nelson, Nicole Rubio, Calypso Henriques, Cassidy Flanagan and Alexa Gomez. To participate in the competition, students were required to submit video recordings of themselves performing to the New York State Field Band Conference.

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Brandon Baade
(Photo courtesy of Hicksville School Distric)

The New York State Field Band Conference also featured a Virtual Ensemble, which was a collaboration of students from more than 40 schools in the state, including Hicksville students Samantha Mason and Brandon Baade.


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Samantha Mason
(Photo courtesy of Hicksville School Distric)

To participate in the competition, students were required to submit video recordings of themselves performing to the New York State Field Band Conference. Awards were then announced during a virtual ceremony on Sunday, Nov. 1.




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Nisarg Shah
(Photo courtesy of Hicksville School Distric)

-Submitted by the Hicksville School District