
Village Board Gives Statement On Garden City Casino

The Garden City Board of Trustees has been in contact with members of the Garden City Casino Board, contrary to several media posts stating otherwise. We consider the casino an asset in this community and look forward to negotiating a long-term agreement with its members.

In October 2020, Mayor Theresa Trouvé, along with Building Superintendent Giuseppe Giovanniello, and casino members Peter Trapani and Mike Ryder, toured the facility. Though the Mayor and Mr. Giovanniello thought the building, in general, was in good condition, they did note several areas needed repair, including the HVAC system, roof and dry wells in the patio area to the east of the building. Improvements to the kitchen were also discussed.

“We are interested in working out a plan with casino members that both parties can be comfortable with,” Mayor Trouvé said.

The Mayor also addressed concerns and cleared up “mistaken ideas” during a Central Property Owners’ Association meeting in November.

The village-owned casino has operated as a tennis and social club since 1895. Members are asking the board to approve a multi-year extension of the agreement, which expires in January 2022. The original agreement expired in May 2019. The board approved two short-term extensions—the first until January 2021 and the second until January 2022.

Trustee Mark Hyer has been in contact with casino board president Pat McNamara, to keep him abreast of any activity happening on the property, including contractors who are on site estimating the cost of renovations.

On Jan. 11, trustee Hyer and village counsel Peter Bee did a facility walk through with casino board member Drew Wozniak and Mr. Trapani, who led the tour. Village counsel has also requested the casino’s financial reports and a property survey.

“After this, we will get a proposal together for approval by the village board and sit down with members of the casino,” Trustee Hyer said.

As negotiations move forward, this board is committed to working with casino members to ensure an amicable agreement for future use of this historic facility.

—Submitted by the Village of Garden City