
Mineola-Garden City Rotary Continues To Deliver Masks

As previously reported, Mineola-Garden City Rotary has responded to the district’s Million Mask Challenge that has begun several weeks ago. Supported by the Rossi Foundation, Rotary volunteers have been delivering 10,000 masks to be divided between several entities in need.

This past Friday, past club president Joanne Meyer-Jendras and Althea Robinson, Club Publicity Chair, provided 1,000 masks to fellow Rotarian Diana O’Neill, retired executive director and current board member/treasurers of the Garden City-based nonprofit Long Island Volunteer Center (LIVC).

Established in 1904, the LIVC is the local resource center matching individuals and groups to nonprofit organizations seeking volunteer support to advance the impact and reach of programming that depends on social capital as the backbone of their operations.

The donated masks will support collaborative work in conjunction with the LIVOAD (Long Island Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster). The upcoming prom boutique gown giveaway co-sponsored with Nassau Community College, and a Summer of Service campaign geared, is to engage youth volunteers.

—Submitted by the Mineola-Garden City Rotary