
Graduates Celebrate Their Seaford Pride

Seaford graduation (new)
Seaford High School’s graduation ceremony for the Class of 2021 was held on June 26 at the Tilles Center. (Photo courtesy of the Seaford School District)

The 64th graduating class of Seaford High School had a senior year like no other, but students shared the same enthusiastic spirit as the classes that came before them. The 181 members of the Class of 2021 were recognized for their accomplishments over the past 13 years during a ceremony at the Tilles Center on June 26.

Seaford graduation new
Seaford High School’s graduation ceremony for the Class of 2021 was held on June 26 at the Tilles Center.
(Photo courtesy of the Seaford School District)

Principal Scott Bersin told graduates how lucky they were to grow up in Seaford, a community that welcomes people with open arms.

“I think the greatest thing about Seaford is its inclusivity,” he said. “It is a part of Seaford Pride to make everyone feel like they belong.”

Valedictorian Julia Gambino also spoke about the tight-knit community that she and her classmates proudly call their hometown. She said big or small, everyone has made an impact on each other’s lives. She values Seaford’s traditions and is grateful for the people who provide a strong and constant support system.

Salutatorian Kaylee Sanderson said that high school, particularly the last two years, taught her to “expect the unexpected.” When faced with adversity, the Class of 2021 rose to the occasion, she said, and demonstrated its adaptability and resilience.

Senior class officers presented their class gift, a donation of more than $1,000 to purchase artwork to beautify the high school. Superintendent Dr. Adele Pecora acknowledged students who will join the military after graduation. The ceremony also featured a photo slideshow of seniors and the presentation of several awards. Board of Education President Bruce Kahn, along with Dr. Pecora and Bersin, handed out diplomas, as names, future plans and high school activities were read aloud by assistant principals Jennifer Bisulca and Nicole Schnabel.

—Submitted by the Seaford School District