
Village Enforces Traffic Control Measures

Traffic enforcement officers enforce speed and aggressive driving violations at various locations in the Village of Garden City. The department’s speed awareness trailer is placed at various locations throughout the village to educate the public on their actual speed as compared to the village speed limit. There are also several stationary speed indicator signs in place at various locations and six more have been ordered. Further, a decoy vehicle is being placed at various high traffic areas on a daily basis. The department recently participated in the National Speed Awareness Week enforcement event, issuing 232 total traffic tickets. To coincide with the opening of schools, the department will be utilizing extra grant funded enforcement details in the vicinity of village schools beginning Sept. 1.

Seventh Street Gets Cleaned Up

On Friday nights at the promenade, Department of Public Works (DPW) Sanitation monitors the garbage pails throughout the evening and empties them a final time at the end of the evening. Since people tend to stay after the festivities have ended, DPW brings men in early on Saturday mornings to clean the sidewalks, empty garbage receptacles and also bring a street sweeper through. Parks Department crews will assist DPW moving forward. This effort takes care of the garbage that accumulates on the streets and sidewalks after the Friday night activities “officially” end. On Saturday evenings during the outdoor dining program, DPW Sanitation has men on the ground maintaining the garbage receptacles throughout the evening as well. The cleanliness of Seventh Street this past weekend was well received as the village received many positive comments from residents.

False Unemployment Cases Reported

The Garden City Police Department received 113 reports of false unemployment claims between Jan. 1, 2021 and Aug. 10, 2021. Last year, the department received a total of 26 reports. The frequency of reports appears to be declining, according to Commissioner Kenneth Jackson, noting that 110 reports were filed between January and May, with only three reports filed in June and July 2021.

Imposters are filing claims for unemployment benefits, using the names and personal information of people who have not filed claims. It has been determined that some scammers are using information from old data breaches of private or government agencies. If you get benefits you never applied for, report it to your state unemployment agency and ask for instructions. Do not respond to any calls, emails or text messages telling you to wire money, send cash or put money on gift cards. Government agencies will never tell you to repay money that way. Anyone who tells you to do those things is a scammer. The Garden City Police Department’s Detective Division continues to work with the United States Secret Service in the investigation of fraudulent unemployment applications.

Village Releases 2021-22 Road Resurfacing Schedule

East: Poplar Street (Washington Avenue to Clinton Road); Pell Terrace (Clinton Road to Seabury Road); Raymond Court (Stewart Avenue to Dead End); and Commercial Avenue (Clinton Road to Village Line)

Central: Street off of Rockaway Avenue (Rockaway Avenue to Dead End); and Barnes Lane (Hilton Avenue to Atlantic Avenue)

Estates: Roxbury Road (North Avenue to Main Avenue); Lee Road (Stewart Avenue to Newmarket Road); and Westminster Road (North Avenue to Stewart Avenue)

West: Salisbury Avenue (New Hyde Park Road to Village Line); and Roosevelt Street (Amherst Street to Plaza Road)

Sidewalk Improvements: Clinton Road (Pell Terrace to Kingsbury Road).

Water Conservation

The Garden City Water Department would like to remind its customers that during summer months, the volume of water used throughout the village increases significantly. Lawn sprinkling is permitted only from April 16 to Nov. 30 during the hours of 5 and 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. Properties with odd numbered addresses are permitted to use their sprinklers on odd numbered days and even numbered or those without a numerical address on even numbered days.

—Submitted by the Village of Garden City