
Kindness Is King

Guggenheim highlights the importance of kindness with legacy project

Kindness copy 1024x769 1The Port Washington Union Free School District, its students, and the community can be characterized in many ways. The district is patient, it is resilient and it is welcoming. But, above all, the Port Washington School District is kind. That kindness is worth memorializing and the fifth graders at Guggenheim Elementary School did just that. After a year-and-a-half delay due to COVID-19, the Guggenheim Home School Association convened with members of the elementary school to create a beautiful mural centered on the theme of kindness as part of the fifth-grade legacy project.

“Kindness is something we work to instill in our students in every grade level through the lessons and programs we facilitate here in the district,” Dr. Michael Hynes, superintendent of schools said. “This mural is a physical manifestation of that work and the consistent work being done by our staff, teachers, and students every day to make our community the kind, accepting place that it is. I would like to say thank you and extend my deep appreciation for the exceptional job done by the volunteers and staff members of Guggenheim Elementary School who are truly incredible role models for our students.”

At Guggenheim Elementary School, as with all schools in the district, the practice of intentional kindness is woven into the daily lessons imparted to students. The creation and mounting of the mural at the entrance of Guggenheim Elementary School will now serve as a daily reminder for students to treat themselves and those around them with kindness.

The creation of this legacy project came as part of the school’s larger Kindness Initiative Project in tandem with Ben’s Bell Project, a national program that seeks to teach people and communities the positive impact of intentional kindness. The mural depicts a full-grown tree with quotes meant to inspire kindness in ourselves and others. Each piece was handcrafted by fifth-grade students, Guggenheim staff, and community members to highlight the fact that when each of us does our part to be kind, something truly magnificent will grow.

“Although the fifth-graders who originally began this project have since moved up in their academic journey, it was important to see this project through to the end as it represents an integral component of the Guggenheim community and that of Port Washington as a whole,” Dr. Kimberly Licato, principal of Guggenheim Elementary School said. “Kindness is key in our school, and I am so inspired by the camaraderie, patience, and kindness displayed by our students and staff throughout this process.”

For more information about the Port Washington Union Free School District, visit the district’s website at www.portnet.org and like their Facebook page @PortWashSchools.

—Submitted by the Port Washington School District