
Roslyn Landmark Society Appoints Flower Hill Co-Historian As A New Trustee

At a recent Board meeting of the Roslyn Landmark Society the Board of Trustees unanimously voted to appoint Mitchell Schwartz as a trustee.

Landmark Society 768x1024 1Schwartz is a Flower Hill resident and a Roslyn High School graduate. An avid historian, Schwartz is a history major at Hofstra University studying to become an infrastructure attorney. He currently serves as one of the Flower Hill’s two village historians. One of the major projects Mitchell has undertaken is creating the Flower Hill Historic Trail, which is a network of recreational trails connecting to more than 100 points of historical interest within the village.

The Roslyn Landmark Society looks forward to having Mitchell’s expertise with database research and organizing and managing historical documents as well as finding ways in which we can better teach our local history in our schools.

“I am pleased to have Mitchell Schwartz as a new trustee,” Howard Kroplick, co-president of the Roslyn Landmark Society said. “His energy and passion for history will be an asset to the organization.”

John Santos, co-president of the Roslyn Landmark Society, also commented “Mitchell’s knowledge of Roslyn and Flower Hill will be valuable to our organization. We are all looking forward to working with him.”

“I am honored and excited to have the privilege of working with and for the Roslyn Landmark Society as a trustee to preserve and educate the public on the extensive history of the Roslyn community for generations to come,” Schwartz said.

Roslyn Landmark Society is currently seeking additional trustees to join the Board. “Diversification and expansion are currently underway, and I’m committed to help make this happen,” Jordan Fensterman, the chairperson of Board Development and Membership Committee said. The Board meets via Zoom on the first Monday of the month. The society encourages any member interested in joining the board to contact Jennifer Lister at jennifer@roslynlandmarks.org or call 516-625-4363.

—Submitted by the Roslyn Landmark Society