
Roslyn Tennis With The Teachers

Roslyn Tennis 1024x525 1The Roslyn girls’ tennis team hosted the first annual Tennis With the Teachers Doubles Tournament to raise money for Go With Courage, a nonprofit dedicated to raising money for cancer research and helping affected families. More than 30 teams participated from each of the Roslyn schools. The tournament was a huge success, raising more than $1,200 and bringing an amazing group of staff and students together. Due to the fading sunlight, the tournament had co-champions: Alexa Kessler and Marc Edelman, and Shayla Ai and Allyson Weseley. The students responsible for planning the event were Shayla Ai, Summer Housenbold, Emma Pnini and Kaitlyn Yuen. Coach Hinkley and Coach Hoffner were incredibly grateful to all of the staff, students and parents who either played, came to cheer on their favorite players or supported the cause by purchasing a t-shirt.

“I want to say thank you to the coaches, the teachers and everyone for participating in an incredible event for a very important cause,” Robyn Jaslow, the Founder and president of Go With Courage said. “Thank you for keeping the spirit of philanthropy going at Roslyn High School.”

—Submitted by the Roslyn School District