
STEM Week Made Possible With Student Volunteers

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Students who are part of the Science National Honor Society at Oyster Bay High School packed activity kits for elementary students to take home to celebrate STEM week.
(Photo courtesy of Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Schools)

STEM Week in the Oyster Bay-East Norwich School District kicked off on Dec. 1, and was made possible with help from the members of the Science National Honor Society. Prior to the week’s events and activities, high school students in the SNHS put together activity kits for younger students in the district to celebrate STEM Week.

Members volunteered their time to pack 800 STEM kits for elementary students. For example, they put together kits filled with materials to make popsicle stick catapults for Vernon students and materials to make at-home hovercrafts for Roosevelt students.

Throughout the course of STEM week, students who complete challenges have the opportunity to be entered into raffles and win a variety of prizes. The STEM Week activities are meant to get students excited about science and related subjects.