Hicksville Hicksville Sanitation Employee Recognized For Returning Lost Wallet By Hicksville News Staff Posted on March 15, 2022 Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino (center) and Town of Oyster Bay Sanitation Deputy Commissioner Danny Pearl (far left) recently recognized Sanitation employee of over 30 years Mike Delewin (right), of Hicksville, for his off-duty good deed of returning a lost wallet to its owner. While shopping in Home Depot, Delewin found the wallet that had been inadvertently dropped by a patron in the parking lot. After several attempts to contact the owner by the phone, Delewin drove to the individual’s home to personally deliver it. He safely returned the wallet to the woman, who was incredibly thankful, as she still had not even realized it was missing.(Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay)—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
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