
An Update From The Mayor Of Garden City

St. Paul’s Main Building
Repairs to the St. Paul’s Main Building roof areas, which were damaged by Storm Isaias, began April 11. Based on information provided by the village treasurer, partial reimbursement is anticipated from FEMA for the proposed roof repairs. This temporary roof repair is emergency repair work and not part of the prior building stabilization plan.

LIRR Landscaping
The LIRR Landscaping Plan is underway and the Mayor of Garden City Cosmo Veneziale has enlisted the help of Celia Peterson, a landscape architect who is also a member of the Architectural Design Review Board, to assist in the proposed enhanced landscaping to the areas affected by the Third Track construction. In addition, Trustee Bruce Chester and members of the Third Track Committee are involved in the enhanced landscaping plans.

Scam Alert
A number of Garden City residents recently received a text message about a GCFD T-shirts $10 off sale. As per the Fire Department, the seller is not an authorized dealer for them. Police Commissioner Kenneth Jackson said this is a common occurrence with schools and volunteer organizations. “We will confer with the Fire Department regarding this matter,” he added.

Toll House License/Rent
The Board has authorized Veneziale to execute an extension agreement for the Toll House License between the Village of Garden City and the Garden City Chamber of Commerce. This item was deferred to the April 4 meeting from the March 17 meeting for further discussion and consideration. The Board approved a one-year term with rent set at $1,000 per month. The Board of Trustees will review the terms of this agreement in a year.

No Dog Walking on Library Grounds
Garden City Library personnel kindly ask patrons to refrain from dog walking on the front lawn as this space is dedicated to children’s programs. Signs have been installed as a friendly reminder on multiple approaches to the library: at the corner of Seventh Street and Hilton Avenue, on Seventh Street in front of the library entrance, at the corner of Seventh Street and Hubbell Plaza and at the West corner of the library near the parking lot entrance. Cooperation will help to ensure a clean and safe outdoor space for young patrons to enjoy popular programs.

Backflow Prevention and Testing
Backflow testing is required to help safeguard the backwards flow of water when a sprinkler system retracts into the ground. This device prevents contaminants such as fecal matter, pesticides and herbicides from being pulled backwards into the municipal water supply. The village requires every home or business with an active sprinkler system to have an approved backflow device and the device must be tested each year by a NYS certified backflow tester. Every resident has a back flow test due date one year from their previous test date (from the prior year) and these due dates vary from resident to resident. The village would like to thank all the residents that actively test their sprinkler systems and devices in order to keep the municipal water supply free from contaminants.

Franklin Court Fence
The Board of Trustees authorized the immediate removal of the existing fence from the open space at Franklin Court during its April 4 meeting. Village crews removed the fence the following day.

—Submitted by the Office of Garden City Mayor Cosmo Veneziale