
Thank You From Water Commissioner Mindy Germain

This summer Long Island was sweltering hot!  The US Drought Monitor called August ‘22 the driest in 17 years.   Suffolk County Water Authority declared a stage 1 Emergency, asking residents to stop all non-essential water usage, like lawn sprinklers and long showers.

For water suppliers across the Island, the summer of ’22 was our Superbowl, and how each district faired came down to pre-season preparation and the ability to make adjustments along the way.

So how did Port Washington do?

The Port Washington Water District pumped an average of 9% less water in 2022 than the four hottest/driest summers since 2010!  Port’s success story this year boils down to one word, “community.”

Our game plan at The Port Washington Water District is entitled “Do It For Port.”

This year, it includes:

  1. Establish clear and attainable reduction requirements.
  2. Transition to Smart Sprinklers to save up to 40% of water.
  3. Offer irrigation contractor training.
  4. Start early before sprinklers are set.
  5. Bring the message everywhere: local papers, bill stuffers, e-mail, newsletter, social media, events, website and more.
  6. Engage the voices of residents by having them share reduction success stories.
  7. Collaborate with partners including elected officials, landscapers, environmental groups, The Science Museum of LI and the Port Washington Public Library.
  8. Hands-on education like our Sustainable Garden Tour with ReWild Long Island.
  9. Youth “Do It For Port” Certificate Program, engaging younger voices in our efforts to conserve.
  10. Coach residents that don’t get it right the first time.
  11. Measure and report back to the community. If you missed our recent webinar, you can find it at pwwd.org

I would like to thank the Port Washington Community for helping the Port Washington Water District manage one of the hottest, driest summers on record.   But we are not done, with climate change, emerging contaminants and threats of salt water intrusion conservation is a long game, and we are in it to win it!

It is an honor to serve this great community. Please vote Mindy Germain Port Washington Water District Commissioner on Dec. 13th to continue our great work together.

-Mindy Germain, Commissioner Port Washington Water District