
60% of Santos’ Constituents Say He Should Resign, Poll Finds

Calls for U.S. Rep. George Santos (R-Queens, Long Island) to resign are increasing by the day.

A new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling has found that 60% of voters in New York’s 3rd Congressional District want him to resign and for Congress to investigate his fraudulent background. This includes 34% of those who voted for him, 38% Republicans, and 57% independent voters.

The survey results come a day after Nassau Republicans, as well as Suffolk Republicans and the New York State Conservative Party, stood united in their resolve that Santos should resign. 

“George Santos duped his constituents and was elected under false pretenses, fabricating his resume and blatantly lying about his background and credentials,” said  Shari Markovich, 59, of Little Neck, part of NY-03. “This is criminal and we cannot allow this person to represent our district. There needs to be a new election.” 

According to the survey’s findings, constituents were most concerned about Santos’ lies about his family history and how he made his money, with 77% reporting they have serious concerns that Santos lied that the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks took his mother’s life; 72% concerned that he lied about being Jewish and his grandparents surviving the Holocaust; and 70% concerned about where his influx of income came from. Santos loaned his campaign $700,000 despite making $55,000 in 2020 and being evicted twice for failing to pay rent.

Those concerned about Santos’ lies include more than 50% of his own voters, the survey found.

There have been several rallies calling for Santos’ resignation, as well as an online petition created by Great Neck resident Jody Finkel that has more than 1,500 signatures.

Despite political and public pressure, Santos has refused to resign. He has the backing to stay in his position from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Cal.) and Queens GOP Chairman Tony Nunziato, who have both vocalized they will not call on him to resign.

“I try to stick by the Constitution. The voters elected him to serve,” McCarthy said this week. “If there is a concern, he has to go through the Ethics [Committee]; let him move through that. But right now, the voters have a voice in the decision. It’s not where people pick and choose based upon what somebody’s press has. So he will continue to serve.”