
Mock Trial Team Advances To County Quarter Finals

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Roslyn High School Mock Trial Team. (Photo courtesy the Roslyn School District)

Undefeated in the preliminary rounds of the New York State Bar Association’s High School Mock Trial Tournament, the Roslyn High School Mock Trial team was victorious over George W. Hewlett High School in the Sweet Sixteen round, advancing to the quarterfinals. In the prior rounds, the team collected victories against W.T. Clarke, Manhasset, and Great Neck South. This is the second year in a row that the team has advanced to the Nassau County quarterfinals.
“I’m really proud of these kids,” said faculty advisor Ms. Elorriaga. “They’ve put so much hard work into this case over the past three months, and are really very supportive of each other.”
The Roslyn High School Mock Trial team members include: Co-captains Sayem Kamal, Max Lerner, and Shrimoyee Sen; Sheilly Benlevi, Mitchell Berger, Sasha Berman, Matthew Clarke, Jordan Kaplan, Eli Klein, Emily Krejci, Tanishka Kumar, Nathaniel Rubin, Jacob Silverman, and Dana Wang.
The Mock Trial team is an extracurricular activity offered by Roslyn High School; members are chosen via a tryout at the beginning of each school year. Students compete in trial simulations that offer them the opportunity to take on the roles of prosecution and defense attorney, witness, and paralegal, helping them develop acting, public speaking, and critical thinking skills. They meet regularly with Ms. Elorriaga and Ms. Lisa Rossi Esq., an experienced local attorney, to practice making objections and carrying out persuading opening and closing statements.
“Congratulations to the Roslyn mock trial team!” said Ms. Rossi. “The professionalism, dedication, and the level of expertise demonstrated by these kids rival the finest trial attorneys I have seen in my 33 years of practice.”
—Submitted by Cynthia Younker for the Roslyn School District