
Roslyn High School Class of 2023 Awards


The Roslyn School District has released its annual Class of 2023 awards to graduating seniors. The following are winners in numerous categories, including book awards, Advanced Placement Scholars, student leadership awards, business awards, DECA awards, and community service awards.

Laura Adler Scholarship

Henry Woytysiak, 2023

League of Women Voters Government Award

Jacob Souferi, 2023


Legislator Joshua A. Lafazan’s Award for Civic Engagement

Sara Rosenbaum, 2023


Lila Abramson Scholarship

Tali Fox, 2023


Long Island Business Teachers’ Association Award

Spencer Solomon – First Place Sports Marketing, 2022

  Lindsay Cohen – Law Award, 2022


Long Island Council for the Social Studies Award

Arya Sinha, 2023

Julia Weingarten, 2023

Sophie Weisman, 2023

Maxx Yung, 2023


Long Island Junior Science & Humanities Symposium

Jessie Dong – Third Place, 2023

Sayem Kamal – Semifinalist, 2023

Belinda Lin – Semifinalist, 2023

Brian Song – Semifinalist, 2023


Long Island Math Fair – Al Kalfus

Sam Balakhanei – Bronze Medal, 2020

  Mohammad Balasinorwala – Silver Medal, 2022; Gold Medal, 2020

Eliza Garmise – Silver Medal, 2021, 2020

  Kendal Ho – Silver Medal, 2020

  Logan Huckins – Gold Medal, 2020

  Jesse Kahn – Gold Medal, 2021, 2020

  Janice Kim – Silver Medal, 2020

  Lana Kim – Gold Medal, 2020

  Jake Konigsberg – Silver Medal, 2020

  Lydia Lee – Silver Medal, 2020

  Belinda Lin – Bronze Medal, 2021; Gold Medal, 2020

Amanda Liswood – Gold Medal, 2022, 2020

  Justan Mok – Bronze Medal, 2020

  Dina Nabavian – Gold Medal, 2022; Silver Medal, 2021; Bronze Medal, 2020

  Shrimoyee Sen – Silver Medal, 2020

  Zachary Sheena – Silver Medal, 2020

  Alexander Siegel – Gold Medal, 2020

Clare Son – Silver Medal, 2020

Sophie Weisman – Gold Medal, 2022, 2021, 2020

  Maxx Yung – Gold Medal, 2022, 2020

  Stanley Zhao – Gold Medal, 2020


Long Island Science Congress

Mohammad Balasinorwala – Honors, 2021

  Sonia Chandra – Honors, 2021

Jessie Dong – Honors, 2021

Jake Konigsberg – Honors, 2022, 2021

  Rachel Kwon – Highest Honors, 2021

  Kristi Lam – Honors, 2021

Amanda Liswood – Honorable Mention, 2022; Honors 2021

  Emelie Nguyen – Honors, 2021, 2020

Sara Rosenbaum – Honors, 2022; Highest Honors, 2021

  Shrimoyee Sen –Honors, 2021

  Arya Sinha – Honors, 2022, 2021

Samara Yadegari – Honors, 2021

  Maxx Yung – Honorable Mention, 2022; Honors, 2021


Long Island Science Congress Research Fair

Sara Rosenbaum – Highest Honors, Best in Category, Second Place, 2021


Long Island Science & Engineering Fair

Jake Konigsberg – First Place, 2023

  Belinda Lin – Honorable Mention, 2023

Amanda Liswood – Honorable Mention, 2023

  Emelie Nguyen – Third Place, 2023

Sara Rosenbaum – Third Place, 2023

  Arya Sinha – Honorable Mention, 2023

  Brian Song – Second Place, 2023


Long Island Science & Humanities Symposium

Jessie Dong – Third Place, 2023; Honorable Mention, 2022

Sayem Kamal – Semifinalist, 2023

Belinda Lin – Semifinalist, 2023

Brian Song – Semifinalist, 2023; Honorable Mention, 2022


Long Island Science Education Leadership Award for Advanced Placement in Biology

Lindsay Cohen, 2023

Ethan Fernbach, 2023

Kristi Lam, 2023


Long Island Science Education Leadership Award for Advanced Placement in Chemistry

Kendal Ho, 2023

Jake Konigsberg, 2023


Long Island Science Education Leadership Award for Advanced Placement in Physics 1

Lemuel Mashkevich, 2023

Sophie Weisman, 2023


Long Island Science Education Leadership Award for Advanced Placement in Physics 2

Simone Mashaal, 2023


Long Island Science Education Leadership Award for Advanced Placement in Physics C

Matthew Voynovich, 2023


Long Island Science Education Leadership Award for Advanced Placement in

Environmental Science

Danielle Barrow, 2023

Hussaina Deesawala, 2023

Spencer Solomon, 2023


Marketing Visionary Award

Skylar Glick, 2023


Math Team Award

Catherine Ren, 2023


Melanie Rose Chaite Memorial Scholarship

Amanda Lerner, 2023


Miguel de Cervantes Award

Zully DeLeon, 2023

Yarlen Rubio, 2023


Mock Trial

Max Lerner – Nassau County Semifinalist, 2023

Shrimoyee Sen – Nassau County Semifinalist, 2023; First Place, 2022


Nassau All-County Art Exhibition Scholarship

Ariel Pang, 2023

Nassau County Comptroller’s Math, Accounting and Finance Award

Reed Abramson, 2023


Nassau County Executive’s Community Service & Academic Excellence Award

Emelie Nguyen, 2023


Nassau County Legislator’s Citizenship Award

Gabriella Fiddle, 2023


Nassau Police Running Club Memorial Scholarship

Ariella Aminov, 2023

Matthew Voynovich, 2023


National American Academy of Neurology Neuroscience

Maxx Yung, 2021

National Art Honor Society

Zully DeLeon, 2023

Saamiya Sugrim, 2023

National Junior Science & Humanities Symposium

Jessie Dong, 2023

Brian Song, 2023


National Merit Commended Scholar

Jake Konigsberg, 2023

  Kristi Lam, 2023

  Moses Lee, 2023

  Amanda Lerner, 2023

  Belinda Lin, 2023

  Mac Schwartz, 2023

Maxx Yung, 2023


National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist
  Mohammad Balasinorwala, 2023

Jessie Dong, 2023

Jake Konigsberg, 2023

Lydia Lee, 2023

Emelie Nguyen, 2023

Catherine Ren, 2023

Arya Sinha, 2023

Brian Song, 2023

Sophie Weisman, 2023

Stanley Zhao, 2023

National Merit Scholarship Finalists

Mohammad Balasinorwala, 2023

Jessie Dong, 2023

Jake Konigsberg, 2023

  Lydia Lee, 2023

Emelie Nguyen, 2023

  Catherine Ren, 2023

  Arya Sinha, 2023

Brian Song, 2023

Sophie Weisman, 2023

Stanley Zhao, 2023

National Speech & Debate Association
  Max Lerner – Degree of Honor, 2023, 2022, 2021


New York State Assembly

Lemuel Mashkevich – Two Citations, 2023, 2022

New York State Attorney General Triple “C” Award
  Gavin Koo, 2023

Jesse Kahn, 2023


New York State Comptroller’s Achievement Award

Sammy Lichtenstein, 2023


New York State Council of Administrators in Music Education Leadership Award

Tyler Turetsky, 2023


 New York State Field Band Conference Scholarship

Joseph Chen, 2023


New York State Science & Engineering Fair

Jessie Dong – Second Place, 2023; First Place, 2022

Belinda Lin – Honorable Mention, 2023

Arya Sinha – Honorable Mention, 2023

  Brian Song – Second Place, 2022

  Maxx Yung – Second Place, 2023; Honorable Mention, 2022


North Hempstead Town Clerk’s Leadership Award

Brian Song, 2023


North Shore Community Arts Center Award

Skylar Glick – 2D Studio Art, 2023

Jadyn Lee – Marching Band, 2023

Liam McHugh – Jazz Band, 2023

Catherine Ren – Orchestra, 2023

Max Rubrum – Drama, 2023

Clare Son – Band, 2023

Tyler Turetsky – Chorus, 2023

NSPC Health & Science Fair

Belinda Lin – Eighth Place, 2021

  Isabella Pozo – Eighth Place, 2021


Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Placement Calculus AB Award

Zachary Gerson, 2023

  Sayem Kamal, 2023

Zoe Liu, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Placement Calculus BC Award

Logan Huckins, 2023

Matthew Voynovich, 2023

Sophie Weisman, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Placement Computer Science A Award

Matthew Voynovich, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles Award

Sara Rosenbaum, 2023

  Brooke Weiss, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Placement Statistics Award
  Kristi Lam, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Art

Sid Cohen – Sculpture, 2023

Rebecca Han – Drawing & Painting, 2023

Samantha Prussian – Photography, 2023

Maxwell Smith – 2D Studio Art, 2023 

Sophie Weisman – Ceramics, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Business Award

  Natalie Lee, 2023


Outstanding Achievement Award – College Calculus Award

Dylan Kasper, 2023

  Natalie Lee, 2023

  Spencer Solomon, 2023


Outstanding Achievement Award – Commitment and Excellence in the Humanities


Natalie Zavulun, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Independent Scholarship in English

Joseph Chen, 2023


Outstanding Achievement in Multivariable Calculus Award

Jake Konigsberg, 2023


Outstanding Band

Daniel Lee, 2023


Outstanding Chorus

Liam McHugh, 2023

Soniye Mohabir, 2023


Outstanding Colorguard

Sid Cohen, 2023

Natalie Lee, 2023


Outstanding Jazz Band

Moses Lee, 2023


Outstanding Marching Band

Sophie Weisman, 2023


Outstanding Orchestra

Christian Lee, 2023


The Pilnick Family Scholarship for Fine & Performing Arts

Joseph Chen, 2023


Pitch Night

Dylan Kasper – First Place Accelerator Program “Cookease,” 2022


Presidential Volunteer Service Gold Award

Moses Lee, 2020

Belinda Lin, 2023, 2022

  Simone Mashaal, 2020


Project Lead the Way – Principles of Engineering Award

Ronald Qu, 2023


Published Students

Sara Rosenbaum – Journal of Secondary Psychology, 2020


-Submitted by the Roslyn School District