
Local Businesses Improve Outdoor Facilities

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Local businesses in Syosset are getting an upgrade through the PSEG Outdoor Commerce and Beautification program. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)

Local businesses in Syosset and Woodbury received grants to improve their outdoor facilities through the PSEG Outdoor Commerce and Beautification program.
Starting in the summer of 2020 to help business through the pandemic, PSEG implemented the Outdoor Commerce program, then added the Beautification Program.
Businesses are able to be reimbursed for improvements to their outdoor facilities by PSEG.
Each chamber of commerce could receive up to $10,000 dollars, which will be passed along to their respective businesses.
Linda Herman, an economic development specialist at PSEG, said, “We give them grant money to purchase things such as tables, lights, receptacles, heaters. Those grants became so popular that last year we created a beautification grant, which will allow them to do things such as welcome signage, planters and flowers for their downtown areas.”
In this program, chambers of commerce assess their businesses’ needs and apply for grants. The Syosset-Woodbury Chamber of Commerce, which has about 200 members, has been applying for the grants on behalf of companies. Before securing the funding, PSEG needs to approve the Chamber of Commerce’s application stating how the money will be used to improve outdoor facilities.

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Ervis of Flora’s Pizza Cafe in Syosset expressed his gratitude for new heaters, funded by the PSEG Outdoor Commerce and Beautification program and dispersed by the Syosset-Woodbury Chamber of Commerce.
(Screenshots courtesy the Syosset-Woodbury Chamber of Commerce)

The president of the Syosset Woodbury Chamber of Commerce, Russell Green, said, “We are able to reach out to lots of local businesses. We reach out to restaurants to assist them with their outdoor dining needs. So we’re able to get them outdoor furniture, a lot of them get heat lamps.”
The response from business has been very appreciative. Business owners and employees have shown their gratitude in short Facebook Videos.
In a video outside of his Italian Restaurant, the owner of Flora’s Pizza Cafe in Syosset, Ervis, said, “I just wanted to thank the Chamber of Commerce and PSEG for the heaters.”
Flora’s in Syosset will install the heaters they received from the Outdoor Commerce and Beatification program to make customers’ experience more enjoyable.
Similarly, employees of Central Island Healthcare in Planview were more than happy with what they received. They said, “We want to thank the Syosset Woodbury Chamber of Commerce along with PSEG for their efforts in sending us these beautiful rolling carts. These three carts will make the lives of our residents on the outdoor patio an absolute blessing.”

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Central Island Healthcare’s Dorothea Schiller, the director of recreation, and David Golden, the administrator, expressed gratitude for the food carts that will make serving easier.

The rolling carts will be used to help patients of Central Island Healthcare.
All involved with the program – from businesses to the chamber of commerce to PSEG – view it as a massive success. According to PSEG, they have distributed over $300,000 dollars in grants over the past three years. Though it originally was a pandemic related program, the plan from PSEG is continuing because local, small businesses are truly benefiting from it.
“The local business districts, chambers, they’ve come to us every year and asked: Are you going to have the grant again? We’re thinking of doing this project,” Herman said. “It helps them be able to do a project that maybe they wouldn’t have been able to afford, or it allows them to do more than what they would have thought they could do otherwise.”

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Felice Linder of Fusion Academy was thankful for the new outdoor heaters.

From the chamber’s perspective, too, the Outdoor Commerce and Beautification Program is a great help. Restaurants, the main beneficiary of the program, understand the importance of this program given the high demands of the industry. “I can speak for the business. I know they are very happy,” Green said. “The restaurant business is tough. It’s very, very small margins. Anytime you can get assistance like this, it’s always a help. So I think they’re all very appreciative of it.”

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Seth Butera of Butera’s Restaurant of Woodbury was able to get assistance for their outdoor dining needs from the program.

It is worth mentioning that not all businesses were admitted into this program since a requirement is that the company needs to be in a commercial district. Even so, many businesses fulfilling this requirement still did not qualify. In fact, the Chamber did not use all the funds given to them by PSEG.
Because of this, the Chamber of Commerce plans to do a second round of outdoor improvements. Green said, “If there are some businesses or restaurants that did not participate in the first round, that want to participate in round two, we will apply for a round two that will probably be in the fall.”