Long Island Based charitable organization Kids Need More held their 34th week-long annual Camp Adventure at Timber Lake West located in Roscoe, NY.
Every year Camp Adventure have a theme with over-the-top events, like personal fireworks shows, concerts, carnivals, camp wide scavenger hunt and a huge prom. It is completely run by volunteers, including the medical team.
A dedicated team of healthcare professionals have allowed even children who are critically ill to experience camp.
In 1990, a group of concerned parents created a camping experience for their children diagnosed with cancer and their siblings.
Camp Adventure now serves the East Coast and Tri-State area.
It remains one of the only camps of its kind to serve child cancer patients and siblings. The programs and activities are designed to reunite siblings and allow parents time for respite.
Co-Founder and Executive Board Member of KiDS NEED MoRE, Johnny Ray said “It feels great. You’re only in this world for a certain amount of time, you might as well do something good with it while you are here!” “It’s bringing joy and bringing people together and doing the right thing while you still can.”
“KiDS NEED M♥RE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of children, families & young adults coping with cancer and life-threatening illness.”
For more information, visit kidsneedmore.org.