
Suffolk County AME Endorses Ed Romaine For County Executive

Suffolk 1
Town of Brookhaven Supervisor Ed Romaine, the Republican candidate for Suffolk County Executive.
Corazon Aguirre

The Suffolk Association of Municipal Employees (AME), the county’s largest public sector union with 6,000 active and 4,000 retired workers, has endorsed Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine for Suffolk County Executive.

“Over the past decade, Suffolk County’s essential workers have helped steer our County through the storms of the financial crisis, the pandemic, the personal data breach, and many other significant challenges,” Suffolk AME President Daniel C. Levler said. “Now more than ever, our members and our fellow residents need a County Executive with proven executive leadership experience and the ability to work across the aisle with both parties in the Suffolk County legislature to keep Suffolk County moving forward. We need a Suffolk County Executive who understands the critical role our members play in providing essential government services 24/7. We need a County Executive who understands that those vital government services cannot be performed without a serious investment in safe staffing levels across every county department.  For all of these reasons, Suffolk AME proudly endorses Ed Romaine for Suffolk County Executive. Our members know Ed from his time in the legislature and from his time at the helm of the Town of Brookhaven, and most importantly, Ed knows us! We will do all that we can to help Ed prevail on Election Day and we look forward to working with him to guide our County through the challenges that lie ahead.”

The endorsement comes shortly after the AME, in association with Schneps Media, held a candidate forum between Romaine and the Democratic candidate Dave Calone.

“AME workers are the backbone of county government,” Romaine said. “I am pleased that the people who provide essential government services and who move this county forward, have placed their trust in me for County Executive. I look forward to working with the President, the Board and all of the members to ensure a safer and more affordable Suffolk County.”