On Monday, November 6th Long Island Software Technology Network hosted the 26th Annual Long Island SummIT Awards affectionally known as LISA at the Garden City Hotel. Guests enjoyed networking while having drinks and a buffet style dinner before sitting down for dessert, coffee, and the awards. The keynote speaker was Peter Kuiper is a 30-year technology veteran currently with AT&T’s Principal Architect Team for Advanced, Complex, and Emerging technologies who spoke about the importance of improving infrastructure for connectivity on Long Island based on the exponential growth in demand that is expected.
“AT&T is committed to keeping Long Island connected. Our investments across New York support businesses, families, students, public safety and more, as they all look to harness the possibilities and opportunities enabled by an ever-evolving technology landscape. We are grateful for LISTnet’s efforts to bring together Long Island’s tech community and we congratulate all the LISA award recipients. AT&T was honored to be this year’s keynote speaker and part of the effort to cultivate an ecosystem of collaboration, communication and innovation,” said John Emra, President, AT&T Atlantic Region.
The grand ballroom at the Garden City Hotel was full as Awards were given out by LISTnet Chairman Peter Goldsmith and LISTnet President Paul Trapani. LISTnet President Paul Trapani said, “LISA is the night where the Long Island Tech Industry comes together to celebrate and make connections. Looking out at the crowd tonight it’s clear that Long Island Technology Ecosystem is strong and still growing.”