
Meet Your New Legislator: Samantha Goetz

(Photo courtesy the Friends of Samantha Goetz)

On Nov. 7, Samantha Goetz of Locust Valley was elected as the District 18 Legislator, winning against incumbent Josh Lafazan.
Goetz, according to the bio on her campaign website, was called to public service because her mother came to the United States from Cuba in search of the American Dream.
“I’ve been in government for a long time,” Goetz said. “I’m very active in the community. I have small children. A lot of the things that for me was really important, I thought I was in the position that I could make a difference and really represent my community.”
Goetz grew up in Levittown and attended St. Dominic High School in Oyster Bay, where she would return to in 2015 to marry her husband, Jon. They are now raising two daughters in Locust Valley.
“It’s beautiful,” Goetz said. “It’s country roads. It’s beautiful trees. I’m right by Bayville. We go to the beach. It’s a perfectly quiet small town. Everybody knows each other.”
A graduate of New York Law School and Binghamton University, Goetz currently serves as Deputy County Attorney in Nassau where she defends police officers and corrections officers. And growing up, Goetz’s father was a NYPD detective.
Goetz’s campaign bio states that she will never cave to defund the police and will always “back the blue.” She wants to ensure law enforcement has the resources they need to protect neighborhoods and fight crime. She also wants to fight to fully repeal the state’s cashless bail law and for the return of judicial discretion in setting bail to keep violent criminals behind bars while they await trial.
Goetz was endorsed by the Nassau County Police Benevolent Association, the Nassau County Detectives Association and the Nassau County Superior Officers Association.
Another priority of Goetz’s is to protect the suburban quality of life. Her bio states that she opposes all efforts to eliminate single family home neighborhoods and she believes that it’s critical for local governments to have control over local zoning.
Goetz said her campaign was fun, and an opportunity to meet community leaders and residents while knocking on doors and meeting her soon-to-be constituents.
“Listening to the issues, listening to what they are most concerned about were things that are aligned to my platform,” Goetz said. “I’m a mom. I own a home. I have two small kids and I meet with a lot of moms and people who can’t handle any more tax raises and they’re concerned about safety in general. So those are the two top concerns I heard from my residents and those are the two top concerns I was running on.”
Goetz said her first priority as legislator is to learn the role and get acclimated to her colleagues.
“I feel confident I’ll be able to do that quickly,” Goetz said. “[But I want to] make sure the transition is smooth, make sure that services are being given. I want to make sure we are providing Nassau County residents the right services, the best services at the lowest possible costs.”
Goetz said she will be accessible and reachable for residents and she wants to make sure they are heard.
“I want to make sure that they know we’re here for them,” Goetz said. “I want to make sure they feel comfortable reaching out for whatever they may need and feel confident that I’m the person that’s going to help them and point them in the right direction… They’ll see me in the community. I’m out all the time. Say hello to me if you see me out. I always welcome conversation and meeting people.”