
Who Is The Best Personal Trainer On Long Island?

Personal Trainer
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Getting in shape is no easy task, especially when it’s cold out.

It takes a lot of will to get up, change into workout clothes, put on sneakers and either run outside or drive to the gym.

The couch is just so comfy! And even if you do have the will to do at least that, where do you go from there? Some know where, but others don’t. If you’re one of the latter you might benefit from the help of a personal trainer, and luckily for you we’ve narrowed it down to the top ones on the island.

But only one can be named the Best Personal Trainer on Long Island, and you should give them a call when you feel like shaping up, and in 2023 Long Islanders voted Phil Sottile and Stacey Lerman of Intelligent Fitness Best Personal Trainer!

If you’re ready to meet your fitness goals, Phil Sottile and Stacey Lerman of Intelligent Fitness are here to help.

Whether you’re a fitness fanatic looking to train smarter, or a newbie ready for a journey and don’t know where to start, these top-notch personal trainers will help get you where you want to be.

Phil founded Intelligent Fitness and built it from the ground up on the tenets of motivation and excellence.

Stacey is a certified Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Corrective Exercise Specialist who creates fitness classes that are both exciting and safe so you can improve your quality of life. Together they own and operate Intelligence Fitness, setting the bar for both you and the Long Island fitness community.