
Award Ceremony Honors Village Of Brookville Police

Brookville Police Officer Vasilios Rabie, left, Sergeant Dennis O’Connell and Sergeant Frank Cacioli were honored on Dec. 20. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)

Inside the Mill Neck Manor, located at the Mill Neck Family of Organizations, village mayors and members of the Brookville Police Department gathered on Dec. 20, surrounded by seasonal decorations, to honor standout police officers and their heroic actions.
The mayors present included Brookville Mayor Daniel Serota, Village of Cove Neck Mayor Thomas Zoller, Village of Matinecock Mayor Dr. Kenneth Goodman and Village of Mill Neck Mayor Peter Quick, who recommended the event be held at Mill Neck Manor because of its beautiful holiday decorations.
Brookville Chief of Police Kenneth Lack said these types of events help boost morale.
“We are a small police department, but we do big police work,” Chief Lack. “We want to, at least once a year, recognize the actions of the officers.”
Sergeant Frank Cacioli was honored with a Recognition For Life Saving and the Meritorious Police Service Award.
On Feb. 12, 2023 Cacioli, on Brookville Lane, helped set up an AED and administer CPR to a 56-year-old found not breathing with no pulse.
“Sergeant Cacioli set up the AED and delivered one shock,” Chief Lack said during the ceremony. “After a few more minutes of CPR, the aided started breathing on his own and was even talking on the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Sergeant Cacioli’s immediate medical intervention certainly helped save this person’s life and it should be noted the aided was a retired police officer on the NYPD.”
On Nov. 29, 2023, Sergeant Cacioli observed a defendant sitting in the driver’s seat of a vehicle on Fruitledge Road by Tam O’ Shanter Golf Course. The car was partially in the roadway, and the lights and engine were off.
“Sergeant Cacioli activated his emergency lights [to prevent] other motorists from hitting the vehicle,” Chief Lack said. “Sergeant Cacioli approached the vehicle and asked the defendant why the vehicle was parked in the roadway. The defense stated he was out of gas and that’s why the vehicle was partially parked in the roadway.”
Upon asking for a license and registration, it was discovered that the defendant was not the vehicle’s owner. Sergeant Cacioli routinely checked the defendant’s driver’s license and the vehicle’s registration. The car returned as stolen, so Cacioli requested additional units and communication to run the plates and confirm that the car was stolen.
“Sergeant Cacioli then observed the defendant rapidly exit the vehicle and jump over the fence into Tam O’ Shanter Golf Course,” Chief Lack said. “Sergeant Cacioli advised over the department on the radio that he was in foot pursuit of the defendant on the golf course. The defendant tripped while trying to flee and was placed into custody with assistance of PO Coyle. The defendant actively resisted arrest by flailing his arms and legs and refusing to comply with the demands.”
It was discovered that the vehicle was indeed stolen, and because the defendant complained of trouble breathing, they were transported to Nassau University Medical Center for evaluation. The Nassau County Police Department impounded the car, and the defendant was charged.
Sergeant Dennis O’Connell was awarded with the Excellent Police Duty Award. The award is given to an officer who performs three separate tasks in an exemplary manner, displaying alertness, efficiency and dedication of duty.
On Nov. 14, 2022, Sergeant O’Connell responded to an identity theft.
“The complainant stated that an unknown person was attempting to use his personal information to purchase a Maserati, valued at $143,000,” Chief Lack said. “Sergeant O’Connell’s investigation included going to Gold Coast Maserati.”
There, Sergeant O’Connell gathered evidence, including fraudulent documents and videos of the suspect and their car. He worked with Nassau County Police Department Second Precinct detectives to set up a stakeout of the dealership to detain the suspect, who would be returning to complete his vehicle purchase. The stakeout was unsuccessful, but the suspect was later arrested and linked to other grand larcenies.
In the second event, on Dec. 16, 2022, Sergeant O’Connell was on patrol of the backstreets of Brookville when he observed an illegally parked car with temporary plates on Emerson Road. Upon further investigation, he discovered the plates did not match the car.
By calling the Connecticut State Police and Enterprise Rent-A-Car, it was discovered that the person who rented the car had an extensive burglary history. It was strongly suspected that the suspect was committing a burglary when he was interrupted by Sergeant O’Connell.
In the third event, on Oct. 5, 2023, Sergeant O’Connell was on patrol when he discovered two men riding bicycles and blocking Cleft Road in Mill Neck. Both men matched the description of the suspects in the surrounding area, and they were committing larcenies from mailboxes. Upon further investigation, it was discovered they were in possession of mail from 18 different residents in Mill Neck. O’Connell arrested both of them, stopping a continuing pattern of mail larceny, and one of the suspects was a wanted fugitive from Florida who was extradited to Florida.
Finally, Police Officer Vasilios Rabie was honored with the Recognition For Lifesaving Award.
On Sept. 24, 2023, Officer Rabie responded to an unresponsive man in a residence on Meadowood Lane in Brookville. He was on a couch, not breathing, without a pulse.
Officer Rabie removed the aided from the couch and began doing CPR for four minutes. The aided began gasping and regained a pulse. Officer Rabie assisted the aided in breathing using a bag valve mask and provided supplemental oxygen. Care was transported to the Jericho Fire Department and the aided was transported to Syosset Hospital, where his prognosis was positive.
“It feels amazing to be recognized for the work we do every day,” Officer Rabie, who has been with the Brookville Police Department since it launched two years ago, said, adding that he enjoys working for the department and the people he serves.
Mayor Serota said that the Brookville Police Department has been effective in protecting residents, as there has been a decline in car thefts and home burglaries.
“These officers are so well trained and they are taking a big bite out of crime,” Mayor Serota said. “They actually haven’t had any incidents or burglaries or robberies in quite a while, but crime doesn’t disappear altogether. It just goes to different areas and these officers work night and day, and they do a good job.”
Lack explained that officers went around to residents, asking them to remove key fobs from their cars, use their home security systems, and keep some lights on whether or not they were home.
“One of our crime deterrent strategies is high visibility patrols,” Lack said. “That has been successful, particularly in the back streets at dusk when these burglaries occur.”
However, Lack said, it’s essential to avoid complacency to prevent crime in Brookville.
For more information about the Brookville Police Department, visit their Instagram page @brookvillepd and their website at www.brookvillepoliceny.gov.