
Who Is The Best Life Coach On Long Island?

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We all handle the steering wheel on our journey through life, but sometimes we lose control, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

In that case, a life coach can help you get back on track so you can continue your way to happiness and success. So stop being so down on yourself like you have been the past few years and make it your priority to make this your best year yet.

Sometimes you need a little guidance in your life.

With all that said, who did Long Islanders vote as Best Life Coach in the 2023 Bethpage Best of Long Island contest?

Phil Sottile is the best there is, according to voters. At 24 years old, Sottile formed Intelligent Fitness while working as a physical therapy apprentice, creating a space where he can help Long Islanders reach their fullest potentials.

Sottile knows that there is no “one size fits all” approach to life and fitness, so he works with each client with their particular needs in mind and comes up with benchmarks and goals that work for them.

Regardless of what services you require, Sottile has more than 20 years of knowledge in creating better lifestyle behaviors, ensuring that you are in the best hands possible!