
Paul D. Schreiber Students Engage In PRHYLI Legislative Interview Session

On Monday, Dec. 11, four students from Paul D. Schreiber High School, Ariana, Estefani, Francisco, and Paola, participated in a constructive interview session with Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti. The session, a component of the Puerto Rican Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PRHYLI), aimed to provide students with insights into upcoming legislation. These insights will empower them to construct compelling arguments that advocate for their community, focusing on issues impacting immigrant communities and English Language Learners in Port Washington.

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Participating students with Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti and Priscilla Zarate, Director of ENL Pre-K-12.

PRHYLI, a program supported by SOMOS, the NYS Assembly/Senate Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force, in conjunction with the annual SOMOS El Futuro conference, NYSED Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages, and various other agencies, is dedicated to fostering Latino student empowerment. The program equips students with essential leadership skills and the knowledge required to support their community, particularly in advocating for immigrants and English Language Learners.

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Constructive interview session
(Contributed photos)

Priscilla Zarate, Director of ENL Pre-K-12, expressed the transformative impact of the Puerto Rican Hispanic Leadership Institute on English language learners, highlighting its role in boosting self-esteem, developing leadership skills, and honing public speaking abilities. The program provides students with a profound understanding of the legislative process and valuable connections with local leaders. Zarate extended gratitude to NYSED, L.I. RBERN, and Phil Ramos for their invaluable support in empowering student leaders.
The participation of Paul D. Schreiber High School students in the PRHYLI interview session exemplifies a commitment to community advocacy and highlights the program’s effectiveness in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

—Submitted by the Port Washington Union Free School District