Jericho High School recently completed optional Narcan training for students, thanks to the perseverance of student Soraya Hormozi. Soraya recognized a need for the training as students are about to go off to college and be put in different situations. She approached Jericho High School Social Worker Ray Velez and together they approached the Wellness Coalition with the idea. The Coalition was fully supportive. After discussing it with Superintendent of Schools Hank Grishman, the idea became a reality, with support of the Board of Education.

Any interested student 17 years old or older with parent permission attended the training, conducted by Linda Babolcsay, LCSWR, CASAC of the Well Life Network. Lori McGaule also spoke at the training about her son and his journey into substance use, his experience with Narcan saving his life and his subsequent overdose.
Once the training was completed, students were given their own Narcan kit and the confidence to use it. Feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive. Jericho is planning more trainings in the future and will expand them to parents and staff.
—Submitted by the Jericho Union Free School District