
Artists And Musicians Share The Spotlight At Seaford Harbor

To celebrate Music in Our Schools Month, band students at Seaford Harbor Elementary School have been performing during the morning announcements in March under the direction of Charlotte Loake. (Contributed photos)

In honor of both Youth Art Month and Music in Our Schools month, Seaford Harbor Elementary School is celebrating its talented student artists and musicians throughout March. The programs are essential pieces of a well-rounded education and provide students with creative outlets.

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Fifth-grade Sabrina Mooney is one of several student artists to be featured in a hallway display for Youth Art Month, with her piece chosen by art teacher Christine Donnelly.

Students are selected by art teacher Christine Donnelly, general music teacher Pamela Brinkman and band director Charlotte Loake on a rotation. Each day in March, one of the three educators chooses a student or a group of students to feature.

Music is highlighted during the morning announcements with student performances. Under the direction of Ms. Loake, fourth- and fifth-grade band students showcased different instruments. Several classes, representing different grade levels, have sung for the school led by Ms. Brinkman.

“I think it is a great opportunity to showcase the students’ musical talents by having them performing on the morning announcements,” Ms. Loake said. “One of the best things about playing an instrument is performing and this gives the students another opportunity to play while having fun doing it.”

Ms. Loake has also created a buddy program for her beginner students. The fourth-graders, who are playing in the band for the first time this year, are paired with fifth-graders who play the same instrument. They select the music and practice together.

Ms. Donnelly is highlighting her students on an art and music bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. She selects student work to display that demonstrates exceptional effort, great technical skills and creativity. Among the pieces that Ms. Donnelly has showcased are abstract drawings and landscape paintings. Each student’s photo is also included with his or her artwork.

“The students at the Harbor have a variety of talents,” said Assistant Principal Caroline Stringer. “This month, as we celebrate music and art in our schools, we decided to share the great talents of our students with the entire school, and each day we showcase a different artist. At Harbor this month, we live by the quote, ‘Music is art to the ear and art is music to the eye.’”

—Submitted by the Seaford School District