Church of Our Saviour Lutheran (1901 Northern Blvd) held their annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 23. This event, open to the community, is a much loved local institution, featuring crafts, games, storytime and a visit from the Easter Bunny. Though a rainstorm prevented the church from holding the event outside, over 50 kids from Manhasset and the surrounding towns were able to hunt for eggs and celebrate indoors.
The Egg Hunt was one of many ways the church marked the Easter holiday. Early in the season of Lent, church families participated in a meal-packing event, partnering with other local churches to put together over 21,000 meals for local food pantries. They marked Palm Sunday with a joint celebration with the neighboring Congregational Church. It included a visit from a donkey named Fester and everyone paraded back to church waving palms. For Good Friday, children took turns carrying the cross around the Munsey Park lake and marking the stations of the cross with Bible readings. The season was capped off with a joyous Easter Sunday service. The church was filled with fresh flowers, the choir performed Handel’s Hallelujah chorus featuring horns and drums, and attendees of all ages left feeling peaceful and inspired.
Though Easter has passed, this warmhearted, multi-generational church is active throughout the year. All are welcome to join Sunday services at 10am (including Sunday School for school-age kids and childcare for preschoolers) and there are many more events throughout the year, such as BBQs, pool parties and volunteering events. Learn more at and reach out to Pastor Jurik at
—Submitted by Meg Moin for Church Of Our Saviour Lutheran Manhasset
Families Celebrate Easter In Many Ways At Church Of Our Saviour Lutheran Manhasset