
North Shore Eighth-Graders Move Up To High School

North Shore Eighth-Graders at the Moving Up Ceremony (Photos from Shelly Newman)

By Shelly Newman

Congratulations to all the North Shore Middle School eighth graders who graduated on June 25, 2024.

At the ceremony, principal Dr. Ryan O’Hara took the stage and welcomed his students as well as all of their loving parents and family members to the Moving On ceremony in the North Shore High School Theatre. Then Principal O’Hara stated how proud he was of all his eighth-graders.

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Students celebrate after the ceremony with their diplomas

“They Got This…” he assured all the parents, friends and families in the audience.

Superintendent Dr. Christopher Zublionis was introduced and reminded everyone that middle school is often thought of as the toughest years.

“They have an amazing journey ahead of them where they will climb mountains, reflect and learn from their climb and go on to climb even bigger mountains,” he said

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Eighth-grade students at the ceremony

Best of luck to the North Shore Middle School Class of 2024 and the North Shore High School Class of 2028!

Towards the end of the ceremony, all the eighth graders were individually called on to receive their diplomas during the “Presentation of Class” ceremony led by Principal Dr. Ryan O’Hara and Assistant Principal Dr. Maram Mabrouk. They had grown up so much during these three short years at the middle school and were all excited to move on to the high school where they could have more independence, take many new courses and expand their circle of friends.

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Students and faculty at the moving up ceremony

Principal Eric Contreras was the first to warmly welcome his incoming freshman class to North Shore High School. He told them how proud he was and reminded them, “Not to change and that they are perfect the way they are today with all their imperfections….”

Principal O’Hara again congratulated his students and reminded them to come back and visit, especially since North Shore Middle School was just across the street. He then congratulated a very special group of teachers and staff that were retiring this year.

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North Shore Class of 2028 with their Middle School diplomas

Congratulations to all the North Shore Middle School eighth-graders. We know you are ready for all the challenges and wonderful things ahead.

Shelly Newman is associated with North Shore Central School District