
Syosset Library’s Adult Programming

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The Blooms in Color class (Photos from Syosset Public Library)

This summer, Syosset Public Library will host programs for all ages. Children’s programs often include storytimes, crafts and movement classes. Adult programing will also take place this summer for interested residents.

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Attendees at the Local Artist Reception

Recent adult programming aim to connect the community with like-minded individuals. On March 9, an adult painting class, titled “Blooms in Color,”  was taught by Madhumita Sen. This class used acrylic paint to capture the beauty of tulips and other springtime flowers.

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Residents attending adult programing at the library

On March 14,  the library held an art reception. Recent art classes at the library displayed their pieces in the gallery to showcase the culmination of their hard work. Coffee, refreshments and snacks were provided for those in attendance. The event was a great way for artistic and creative residents to meet and mingle.

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Residents showcasing their work at the reception

On May 10 and 17, Kelly Schulte-Smith taught a Mosaic Coaster class. Attendees worked with mixed media to create their own coasters.

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Attendee creating her own mosaic coaster

This summer, the library will host adult fitness classes, art lectures, guest author visits, book clubs, among others. For a full list of events, visit www.syossetlibrary.org. For more information on adult programs, email splprograms@syossetlibrary.org and/or call (516) 921-7161 ext.240.