
Temple Isaiah Couple Love Their Neighbor, The Atria

Elliott and Belle Gayer (Photo from Temple Isaiah)

Twenty years ago, Temple Isaiah’s then Rabbi Tsuruok began holding services at the Atria Assisted Living Facility. Rabbi Tsuruok began hosting the services at the Atria because many of the Jewish residents living there had difficulty joining the temple for Shabbat Services.

Shortly after that, Belle and Elliot Gayer began alternating with the Rabbi. Fifteen years ago, the Gayers took over the weekly services and added holiday services and celebrations. The Gayers help make the holydays extra special for the Atria residents by treating them to homemade latkes on Chanukkah, Hamentashen on Purim, a Passover Seder, and homemade blintzes on Shavuot. They also hold Yizkor services as appropriate.

The Jewish residents at the Atria look forward to Belle and Elliott’s presence each week, and at Temple Isaiah says Yasher Koach for their generosity in taking on this mitzvah.

Temple Isaiah is located at One Chelsea Place, off Cutter Mill Road, and is a member congregation of the Union for Reform Judaism. For additional information about the Temple, please call the Temple office at 516–487-5373.