Deep Roots Farmers Market returns this summer for its 10th anniversary. The market runs from June through October, supplying fresh and local produce to the community.
The market has expanded to multiple locations and runs every weekend. Every Saturday, the market is open at Garvies Point in Glen Cove from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. On Sundays, Deep Roots is at Firefighters Park in Great Neck from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The market was founded in 2014, and was originally called the “Sea Cliff Farmers Market.”

“I started it as a farm stand,” said Founder Amy Peters. “I purchased vegetables from a handful of local farms and would bring them out for sale on Saturday mornings.”
The farmstand began on the corner of Sea Cliff Avenue and Central Avenue, and after a year it moved to the courtyard of St. Luke’s Church. For the next five years, the market operated out of the church’s yard and expanded to include other vendors.
“During that time I began to invite other vendors to join me,” said Peters. “[They were] all local, small businesses like Conscious Kitchen, Dom’s Honey Bees and Horman’s Best Pickles.”
“One by one we added new vendors,” she continued. “By 2019 we had over 15 vendors.”

The market moved locations in 2020 in order to safely accommodate COVID-19 protocol and moved to Garvies Point in Glen Cove in 2021.
In 2021, the Great Neck Parks District invited Deep Roots to hold their market at Firefighters Park on Grace Avenue.
Currently, Deep Roots Farmers Market has 80 vendors that they partner with. Each week, there are around 30-35 vendors at the Glen Cove market and 15-20 at Great Neck.
Vendors rotate week-to-week at the market, so shoppers experience different stands at each market.

The market incorporates community participation and hopes to bring local businesses and organizations together.
“First, many of our vendors are local, from Glen Cove, Sea Cliff, Locust Valley and other surrounding towns,” Peters explained. “Other vendors are from other areas of Long Island and a few from Brooklyn or Queens.”
The market aims to support and highlight small, local businesses.
Peters continued: “Second, each week we invite a local non-profit to table at the market and promote their mission and provide general information.”
Environmental organizations, mental health service organizations, animal shelters and wildlife rescue organizations have attended the markets, among others. All of these nonprofits are based on Long Island and serve the community.

The market is open to all ages and provides children’s activities for attendees. Local libraries often host storytelling events at the market. On certain days, there will also be live music and a Kids Art Tent for patrons to enjoy as well.
The market is open every weekend, rain or shine. The market is in Glen Cove from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m on Saturdays and in Great Neck from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m on Sundays.
For more information on the market, please visit
“I created the market to bring locally grown and made products to my community,” said Peters. “It has always been my goal to carefully curate and provide the best products possible to our customers.”