Here are horoscopes for August 2024!
Aries – Don’t put your talents and skills to devious use in order to manipulate yourself to the top. It may be tempting but don’t do it. Getting caught up with worrying is senseless if you can’t change the circumstances or matters are out of your control.
Taurus – It is time for you to let go and stop dwelling on unhappy past events. You have to change and live for today. Weed out friends, situations or past loves, for you have outgrown them.
Gemini – You will need much patience and courage in dealing with some difficult circumstances. A strong-willed woman is in a position to assist and teach you how to acquire these qualities to help you with the ups and downs of life.
Cancer – You are challenged to defend your beliefs. You may have to prove that you are more than capable of handling your life. The path you have chosen has led you to this point and you need to deal with the consequences of your choices.
Leo – This is a time of new beginnings. You are about to demonstrate your creative gifts and abilities and develop any untapped potential of which you may not be aware. Opportunities that required a focused mind and intuitive insight are likely to present themselves, giving you a chance to develop your skills.
Virgo – Something you’ve been wanting or waiting for will not arrive. You may be feeling dissatisfied with your job, money, or business efforts this month. Wait it out.
Libra – New opportunities are being offered to you. It is time to take stock of your situation and plan ahead. You may need to reevaluate your career and decide where you should go from here.
Scorpio – You may become involved with a man whose monetary dealings are unethical. He is stubborn and impractical but his expectations of his family are extreme and unfair. He could be a workaholic or extremely lazy; there is no in-between.
Sagittarius – see the importance of learning the limits of what can and cannot be achieved. You may feel exhausted and not be able to continue what you’ve been doing for the past few months. Try to understand why you feel trapped so you can change your reality.
Capricorn – you may feel a renewed sense of purpose and feel inspired to do something that requires a leap of faith. Your sense of hope is what inspires you to follow your dreams. The Star promises a release from past difficulties.
Aquarius – This is a restful period, one of blessings, appreciation, and happy and successful completion. The enterprise has become victoriously established.
Pisces – you will feel a relapse and what you thought was a finished matter returns to be dealt with again. There will be little progress after much work, complications, and delays. Try to have the foresight to see an opportunity when presented.