
Arrest Made In Southern State Parkway Dog Abandonment Case

At left is the note Roxi was left with.

An arrest has been made in the infamous case of a dog who was abandoned on the side of the Southern State Parkway.

Glenroy J. Bramble, 65, was arrested Thursday and charged with abandonment of an animal and failing to provide appropriate shelter for a dog, a misdemeanor and a violation, respectively.

The dog, a female mastiff named Roxi, was found tied to a pole on the westbound side of the parkway near Exit 21 on July 1. There was a bowl filled with dog food next to it and a note attached.

“This is Roxi, a trained American bull mastiff,” the note read. “She is four years old. She has been fed and given a flea bath, she may still have issues with them. See that she gets good care.”

Roxi was taken to the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter for evaluation that day. Later in July, she was adopted by an Aquebogue couple.

Bramble is due back in court on Aug. 19.