
What Is The Best Storm Preparation Store on Long Island?

Heavy rain.
Michael Malaszczyk/Long Island Press

Long Island has been hit hard by some pretty big storms over the past few years.

So the next time one is approaching, it’s best to be as prepared as possible — you never know what might happen when you’re stuck at home with no electricity or hot water. Get everything you need at the best storm preparation store on Long Island if another Sandy or Nemo make its way here this year – which in 2024, voters decided is Costello’s Ace Hardware!

Costello’s Ace Hardware is Long Island’s premier storm preparation destination. With a comprehensive selection of essential supplies and expert advice, they empower residents to weather any storm with confidence. From generators and flashlights to tarps and sandbags, Costello’s offers everything needed to fortify homes and businesses against the elements. Their knowledgeable staff provides invaluable guidance, ensuring customers find the right solutions for their specific needs. With a legacy of reliability spanning generations, Costello’s Ace Hardware stands as the ultimate partner in storm readiness, earning the trust of Long Islanders year after year.

Costello’s Ace Hardware has Multiple Locations and can be reached at (631) 243-2220 or costellosace.com.