
College Student From Long Beach Creates New Surfboard Designed For Disabled Children

Anyone can enjoy surfing on Long Island beaches now, thanks to the efforts of one college student. (Getty Images)

In a remarkable display of innovation and empathy, college student Brandon Klein has designed the Adaptable Board—a new surfboard that allows children who have disabilities to experience the joy of surfing on the ocean beaches of Long Island. 

The Adaptable Board, which features a specialized chair to accommodate disabled surfers, is part of the Surf for All program. The nonprofit organization based in Long Beach offers children who have physical challenges such as cerebral palsy the chance to catch waves. The initiative, supported by the Hospital for Special Surgery, aims to give these children an opportunity to experience freedom and normalcy through surfing.

“I grew up my whole life with surfing and I just want to make sure that everyone has that equal opportunity,” says Klein, a native of Long Beach. “I think it’s important for anybody to be in that water, in that ocean.”

Klein’s project is not just a technical achievement but a powerful statement about inclusivity in sports. It has garnered significant attention, showcasing the impact that adaptive sports equipment can have on improving the quality of life for children with disabilities. Brandon had conceived the idea when he was a junior at Jericho High School, and now continues to support his innovation as a student at University of Chapel Hill. 

The project started through a collaboration between Klein and a British organization known as Cerebra, which aims to assist children who have brain conditions. Though Cerebra had manufactured only one of these boards overseas, Klein had asked to purchase the blueprints through Surf for All. Through the blueprints and schematics, Klein was able to help construct the first Adaptable Boards in the U.S. 

“When we received the call, it was amazing to know that our work had been seen so far away,” Cerebra Product Design Manager Dr. Ross Head said. “It was a real privilege to support this ambitious project.”

The Surf for All program, now equipped with Klein’s innovative design, continues to expand the possibilities for children who have disabilities, reinforcing the importance of adaptive sports in fostering inclusivity and joy. This project serves as an example of how creativity and compassion can come together to break down barriers, allowing everyone to experience the thrill of surfing.