
Middle schooler receives Young Women in Mathematics Award for perfect score

Miranda Zhang receives the Young Women in Mathematics Award this summer (Photo provided by Shelly Newman)

By Shelly Newman

Congratulations to North Shore Middle School student, Miranda Zhang, who over the summer earned the 2024 Young Women in Mathematics Award – Maryam Mirzakhani AMC 8 Award from the Mathematical Association of America. This award recognizes the top five highest-scoring girls in the American Mathematics Competitions nationwide.

Director of nathematics K-12 Kimberly Mattes said, “The AMC 8 is a national competition that gives students the opportunity to develop creative quantitative thinking skills. This competition challenges each student with mathematics problems that are more complex than those encountered routinely in math class. The test is open to students who are in eighth grade or younger.”

“Miranda took this test in the middle of sixth grade and earned a perfect score,” Mattes said. “This puts her in the top less than 1% of students who took the test nationwide!”

“The top 1% is anyone who got a 22 of 25 questions correct or higher. Just to note, sixth graders that take the test are recognized if they are able to get 15/25,” Mattes said. “We are so proud of Miranda and cannot wait to see what she accomplishes next!”

“Miranda’s success reflects her dedication to learning both inside and outside the classroom, as well as her remarkable intellect,” stated her North Shore Middle School Math teacher, Michelle Canavan. “This achievement is only a glimpse of the bright future that lies ahead for her.”

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Zhang with North Shore staff who have supported her

Shelly Newman does communications for North Shore Central School District