
SJJCC’s Stronger Than Cancer 5K to benefit Nancy Marx Cancer Wellness Center

Sid Jacobson JCC’s Stronger Than Cancer 5K, takes place this Sunday, Sept. 29, at 9:30 a.m. Long-time member of SJJCC’s Nancy Marx Cancer Wellness Center and cancer fighter Judy Israel has been participating in the 5K for eight years and will continue this Sunday.

Sid Jacobson JCC’s Stronger Than Cancer 5K is the largest fundraiser for SJJCC’s Nancy Marx Cancer Wellness Center. It ensures that personalized services, including counseling, exercise classes, and discussion groups, remain free for cancer patients and their caregivers.

This 5K also brings together people from all walks of life to support those affected by cancer, like Israel, who has been battling Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. Her journey with cancer began in 2013, when she was first diagnosed with Stage 2 bilateral breast cancer.

Israel underwent 16 rounds of chemotherapy, followed by a double mastectomy, radiation, and multiple breast reconstruction surgeries. Yet, despite the relentless toll on her body, Israel approached each step with fierce determination.

“I was going to win that little war,” she recalled.

Her resolve was not just about surviving for herself; it was deeply rooted in her love for her then 14-year-old daughter, Erica.

“I wasn’t going to leave her motherless,” Israel said, as she kept her daughter’s life as normal as possible during those trying years.

In August 2014, after months of procedures and recovery, Israel triumphed—entering remission. It was the culmination of a fight she had never wavered in, and for the next seven years, she lived cancer-free.

However, in June 2021, the cancer returned in a more aggressive form—Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her liver and bones.

“I never dreamed that this was happening again,” Israel said, recalling how her tumor markers had skyrocketed.

Israel has since undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy once again, each drug working for a time until it stopped.

Her relationship with Sid Jacobson JCC’s Nancy Marx Cancer Wellness Center has been a cornerstone of her journey. Israel first connected with the center after her initial remission, finding emotional and physical support through the Center’s director, Randy Hight.

The center provided her with a community of individuals who could relate to her experience, offering programs, support groups and exercise classes tailored to cancer patients and survivors.

Today, Israel serves as an ambassador to the center’s advisory board, using her experience to support and inspire others.

As Israel faces an uphill battle, the Stronger Than Cancer 5K holds deep significance for her.

“All these people are coming out to help those battling cancer, and they don’t know these people— all the love and support that’s there. It’s wonderful,” Israel said. “I am practicing walking a mile at a time at home. I am determined to do it and get strong enough to walk it [the 5K].”

The financial burden of cancer can be overwhelming, and the services provided by the center offer vital support for those who need it most.

“Cancer can be financially toxic to patients. The 5K allows us to keep all our programs and services free,” Hight said.

Israel’s story exemplifies the power of community, the importance of support, and the strength found in hope.

For more information, visit sjjcc.org/5K